Our Donors
Carpenter Center Donors
Reflects Giving as of Nov 30, 2024
Thanks to our generous donors, the Carpenter Center is able to present artists from around the world, as well as free arts experiences for Long Beach schools, the CSULB campus, and the wider community. Thank you to the following donors:
Foundations & Corporations
Beach Shops
Arts Council for Long Beach
Richard & Mary Carpenter
Martin A. & Clarisse Clancy Foundation Bess J. Hodges Foundation
Laskan Family Fund
City of Long Beach
Port of Long Beach
Earl B. & Loraine H. Miller Foundation Percentage for the Arts
The School For You Foundation
The W A Mueller Foundation
Premier Directors Circle
Beverly August
George & Joyce Murchison
President Jane Close Conoley
Bob & Barbara Ellis
Ron & Delores Eveland
Anthony Gagliardi
Dr. Michael & Jeanette Gavin
James Herley
In Memory of Mrs. John Higginson
Robert & Jaclyn Tilley Hill
Cam Doherty Killingsworth
Stephen Martinez In Memory of Lindalee Iverson
David & Jeany McFarland
Gail Meredith & Dean Garrison
Emily Rehm
Gwen Richardson
Kenneth & Jane Wang
Dr. John Sealy
Directors Circle
Donna Andersen In Memory of Stephen G. Andersen
Sheila Golden
Gary & Lynda Hoyt
Robert & Marianne Hughlett
Margarete Mueller
Paul Nelson In Memory of Michelle Steuber Nelson
Beverly O’Neill
Wendy Porter
Dottie Reiner
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thuente
Heather Wellman
Dormel Abea
Gary Bacher
Robin Callan
Tom Camp
Delia Castillo
Jeane Caveness
Esther Cervantes
Carol A. Churchill
Eileen Cohen
Uzi Daniel
Rohit Deshpande
Craig Dougherty
Vanessa Dunne
Deborah Edwards
Patsy Estrellas
David Francis
Rich Fryling
Paul Gaines
Dima Galkin
Monica Garza
Michael & Bonnie Goldberg
Alphonza Graham
Daniel & Rhonda Guillory
Gary Hamai
Gary L. Harrington
Lee & Susan Hill
Christopher Hogan
Ronald Jennings
Heidi Jensen
Evelyn Jimenez
Laura Jokela
Jo Keen
Scott Koeper & Jennifer Cornwell Koeper
Barbara Kummert
Mary E. Lamo
Eunice Larson
Larry Lee & Karen Jean Lee
Carolyn Lyons
Luis Maimoni
Dr. & Mrs. George Mast
Lavonne McQuilkin
Ken Munroe
Ginger Nelson
Virginia Nelson
Terri & Chad Nikoletich
John S. Oney, IV
Wendy Parden
Earl Pattschull
Barbara Perez
Braden Phillips
Megan Pinyan
Marjorie & Robert Rivera
Cathleen L. Rokicki
Monica Horan Rosenthal
Harry & Maria Saltzgaver
Elisabeth Sandler
Paul Schmidt
Michael Sheffield
Mary Smith
Christian & Louise Soe
Isaac Svensson
Henry Taboada & Julia Cook-Taboada
La Drena Todd
Dr. Leland S. Vail
Sandy VandenBerge
Keith Vaughan
Monte E. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Welborn
Brian & Beth West
Ginnie Wilcox
Virginia Wilky
Elizabeth Ybarra
John Ziegwied
Learn more about the benefits of becoming a Carpenter Center donor.